Booking Notes
Within StayTech you have the ability to be able to add Customer Notes, Owner Notes (if you are an agency and have owner logins) and Internal Notes.
Customer Notes
You have the ability to add customer notes to a booking. These notes will be displayed to the customer in email correspondence. To add these notes you will need to navigate to the booking and click on the Details/Edit section of the booking. Once you have selected this you will need to click on the 'Notes' tab as displayed below:
Within here you will see a customer notes section, add the relevant notes within here and click 'Update' if you want to just update the booking or 'Update and Email' if you want the guest to be notified of these changes.
Internal Notes
You also have the ability to add internal notes against a booking. These notes will NOT be displayed to the customer and are for internal use only.
Owner Notes (Only Applied To Agencies)
Within StayTech you also have the ability to add owner notes, only if you are an agency and your property owners have owner logins. Notes that are added within here are NOT displayed to the customer they are only for internal use and for Property Owners to view.