Property Features

You have the ability to add features to easily point out the highlights of your property. There are two different types of features.

Key Features

These features are the stand out points of your property. They appear on property listing pages and are highlighted on the property page itself. We would recommend adding between 6 and 10 here. Pick out the main facts that your guest will be looking for. For example 'Sleeps 10', 'Beachfront Location', 'Indoor Swimming Pool'.

To add these main features follow the steps below:

Properties > Select a property > Features > Add New Feature

To reorder features simple drag and drop them within the admin to the order you would like them to be in. The top 5 will appear on the property listing page but they will all appear on the properties page so make sure you put the most important features at the top.

Property Features

Within your admin below the Key Features section you will see a series of check boxes. These are for you to select all of the other features that are relevant to your property. These appear on the property page in a drop down below the key features. These really help the guest to get an idea for all of the amenities and equipment at the property and are displayed in a clear list format.

To select these you simply need to scroll through the list and tick the check boxes that are applicable to your property. You don't need to click update these will save as you tick them.

These not only display on the property page but are also used when filtering properties in results if your property is on a listing site. For example when a users selects all properties near a beach or properties with a pool. These are also used when using templates to create custom emails.

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