Collecting Feedback

Manually Sending Feedback Emails

We have a final recommendation for bookings that have come from external channels. Once they have been added to your website, notifications disabled and then the Guest themselves have been and gone; it's a great idea to send out Feedback Emails. 

(We only suggest you do this after they have stayed!)

Simply go to the desired booking, and select 'Feedback' from the submenu. Then click the button 'Resend Feedback Emails'. Once you have successfully sent the Feedback Email, a green message will appear at the top of the screen - 'Successfully sent feedback emails'.

The Lead Booker and all guests who have entered an email will then receive an email with your businesses branding at the top. Here is an example below:

Feedback form

By clicking the green 'Leave Feedback' button in the email, the guest is then sent to a page on your website. Once here, it invites them to answer 5 questions and tick whether they enjoyed their stay.

This is a good opportunity to collect comments from your guests, but also another chance for them to see that you have your own website; leaving a lasting impression that you have a good site and that they could directly book with you in the future.

Take a look here at StayTech's other methods of collecting feedback from your guests.

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