Joint Property Availability (JPA)

Given a property that can be divided up into sub properties, e.g. a multi-story building that can be divided into apartments it can be difficult to effectively manage the availability. We've built a 'joint property availability' system that makes managing these kinds of properties a breeze.

If a booking is made at the 'joint' property then all the 'sub' properties will be made unavailable during the booking. If a booking is made at any of the 'sub' properties then the 'joint' property will be unavailable during the booking.

Getting Started

In order to start using JPA you will need to create the 'Master Property' which is all relevant properties combined. Once the master property has been created you can then select the parent property within the 'sub' properties. 

Properties > Select a Property > Edit > Joint Property Availability

Select the master property within the drop down menu and click 'Update Property'. This means that if a sub-property is booked or unavailable then the parent / master property will also be unavailable and in turn if the parent / master property is booked or unavailable then all sub-properties will also be unavailable. 

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